This blog contains weekly journal entries for glover's film history class at Champlain College in Burlington VT. The plain template is in effect because it does not crop the youtube imbeds. Students are expected to post a minimum of 1 response a week, plus 1 comment on a peer post. Feel free to add relevant imbeds or links, or to use the blog for related off-topic threads, or to post your presentations for use in class, or viewing after.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Week 12 Nick Wright's Presentation


Nick Wright said...

I wish we talked more about the clips that I showed because I thought that they would be thought-provoking and controversial. It may have been my fault because I didn't prompt the class enough to discuss what they thought. I'm glad that everyone who never saw those clips got a chance to see something different.

Nusense said...

I had never even had heard of the film maker you presented but I'm glad I was introduced to him. His images were very shocking and used a lot of contrast in his scenes. I liked how he incorporated people who did not really belong in the scene but gave them another dimension. I thought your presentation was good other than that really loud clip haha. I wouldn't have been really to say anything in regards to the clips but the second one you saw I thought brought about a lot of vulnerability. It seemed the characters portrayed in the clips (the main character) were desperate for acceptance. They were ashamed and they scenes showed their fear and vulnerableness to want to be accepted.

CFKlane88 said...

Nick, as we know from McCarthy's class last year, Bergman isn't exactly the easiest guy to discuss openly. All the same, I really enjoyed your project, especially the clip from Hour of the Wolf that you selected. I also think that you did something interesting by including quotations by Bergman about his own work. All the same, as you stated, I would have liked to discuss your presentation further, but I think that you did a great job all the same