This blog contains weekly journal entries for glover's film history class at Champlain College in Burlington VT. The plain template is in effect because it does not crop the youtube imbeds. Students are expected to post a minimum of 1 response a week, plus 1 comment on a peer post. Feel free to add relevant imbeds or links, or to use the blog for related off-topic threads, or to post your presentations for use in class, or viewing after.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Week 12 Matt Milewski's Presentation


glover said...

Matt, good presentation, raising provocative distinctions, which is what i'd hoped. As with many of the terms and concepts covered in this class, things can get down to semantics, and there may be no clear right or wrong answer- depending on context. (as with the definition and use of the term 'editing') I hope you will continue to formulate this distinction for yourself, especially through reading what the 'old heads' have to say about it, Eisenstein and Pudovkin, and compare it to where we are now, and what people are doing and saying about it. They are sort of the framers, but certainly don't have the last word, especially in this ever-changing techno-media global cultural landscape. Keep informing your ideas, grounding them in history, theory and criticism. These distinctions are important to define and make reading films, and formulating concepts clearer.

Matthew Milewski said...

Nusense said...

There were some real misconceptions about editing raissed during your presentation and I msut say it was a helpful converstion. I would have been in the same lines as you were when it came to the defintion of editing. It seems editing is the most raw form of combining images and scenes and then when you start incorporating techniques and technologies it no longer becomes editing but morphs into something new. You had a lot of clips and they married your presentation quite well. All the information was there with accompanying clips. It is funny that I'm seeing commercials with that same t-shirt technique done on it.

Nick Wright said...

Although the "old heads" would not say that what Matt was terming as editing is actually editing, i'd have to disagree. I do understand Glover's distinction between editing and compositing, but i still consider them both to fall under the broad category of editing. The term editing itself is very broad, and I consider anything done in final cut pro editing. I believe when you take clips out of video editing software, and into something like photoshop, it becomes graphic design. This is just my perception and I will call it compositing so everyone is on the same page but i still think of anything that is altering the movie or the movie clips editing. The presentation raised an interesting controversy.

CFKlane88 said...

Matt, I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and clip selection, but there was one aspect of your presentation that really set you apart in my mind. I really enjoyed the discussion that we had afterward, I think that due to your ability to raise those provocative distinctions that Gordon mentioned, is what allowed that to really take place. You were able to give us all the necessary information, and then some.